Anne Nonmous

Anne Nonmous

Anne is our third artist for our spotlight. She comes from the Imagine Nation, but recently moved into the area with her family. She is a young up and coming watercolor artist, specializing in flora and dabbling in the fantasy scene. Her art journey didn’t really begin until she was sixteen and started taking extra curricular art classes. She realized she had a love for the practice and began to take it seriously from there. Anne eventually went to university for art, and she is still currently working towards her masters in art.

Anne has tried many mediums during her time in art school, but water coloring has been the one to resonate with her the most. The soft and mystical look of the medium are her biggest draws to using it. She hopes to finish her degree and continue to make art for a living. She also hopes to perhaps one day teach others the wonders of art as well. Anne recommends Skillshare to start your own at home journey to learning.